If you've been on Facebook in the last few hours, you've already seen this, but I also wanted to post it here. I get thousands of its here a month, so I know a lot of traffic comes here. And here, I get to go into a little more detail. I got to watch Gerry Kissell do the preliminary work on this on Saturday, and I was amazed at how quickly this came together and how much detail he packed into it. Everything on this cover reflects an element from the book, from the place the story starts to important details about the building itself. And I love how Gerry managed to add in the visual link back to how book one ended. I could spend hours picking out amazing little things about this. This one is much better than the one I did for ZS: Exodus, and in time, you can bet I'm going to ask Gerry to redo the cover to it, too. But for today, I'm moving forward. If you want to see more of his work, go to his awesome website. I plan to get ZS: Inferno out hopefully by end of week, and when I do, I'm going to be making some noise. I hope you'll help me.
Ben Reeder
Author of the Zompoc Survivor and The Demon's Apprentice series. Occasional wit. Constant smart ass.
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January 2020
The Books Books By Ben Reeder: The Demon's Apprentice The Page of Swords Vision Quest Charm School In Absentia The Verge Walker:Book 1 Zombies by Ben Reeder: Zompoc Survivor: Exodus Zompoc Survivor : Inferno Zompoc Survivor: Odyssey Ash Fall The Gathering Horde |