So, with Charm School out for about 10 days or so, things are going well enough, but I still decided to launch my Patreon campaign. Given how long this one took to get done, and how thin my earnings have been over the last few months, I found myself facing some difficult decisions about what I could afford, both in terms of money and in terms of TIME. Patreon is a monthly contribution, so my income remains fairly steqdy, and I don't HAVE to worry about how soon my next book comes out. Well, okay, I do and I WILL, but not because of external pressures. But when your FANS want the next book as bad as they wanted Charm School...well, I better get busy, right? Check out the video below, and if you can swing a few bucks, it's always appreciated.
Ben Reeder
Author of the Zompoc Survivor and The Demon's Apprentice series. Occasional wit. Constant smart ass.
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January 2020
The Books Books By Ben Reeder: The Demon's Apprentice The Page of Swords Vision Quest Charm School In Absentia The Verge Walker:Book 1 Zombies by Ben Reeder: Zompoc Survivor: Exodus Zompoc Survivor : Inferno Zompoc Survivor: Odyssey Ash Fall The Gathering Horde |